Carly Smolak (CEO & Co-Founder)

MBA in Sustainable Business, BA from Stanford. In a former life she was a goalkeeper for the San Diego Spirit women’s professional soccer team. Attempts to open mouth kiss every dog she sees (it’s good for your immunity?)

Nick Witherow (COO & Co-Founder)

With over 12 years of pack walking experience in San Francisco and San Diego, Nick is a professional cat herder, but for dogs. She specializes in recall training, coddling, and becoming as obsessed with your dog as you are (and often times more so). 


We love the relationship between dogs & their humans, and our goal is to help facilitate that positive interaction through enriching the lives of dogs. We use positive reinforcement techniques, along with clear and consistent boundaries to promote an uplifting environment amongst the pack, while prioritizing the safety of both dogs and humans.